Tìm kiếm
tuyệt chủng, diệt vong
(of an animal, plant, etc.) not having any living members, either due to natural causes, environmental changes, or human activity
The dodo bird is an example of a species that is now extinct, as it disappeared centuries ago due to human activity.
Scientists work tirelessly to prevent more species from becoming extinct by studying and conserving endangered animals and their habitats.
The passenger pigeon was once one of the most abundant bird species in North America but became extinct in the early 20th century.
ngừng hoạt động, tuyệt chủng
(of e.g. volcanos) permanently inactive
tuyệt chủng, không còn tồn tại
being out or having grown cold
tuyệt chủng, biến mất
not in existence anymore

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