Tìm kiếm
to exalt
tôn cao, ca ngợi
to highly praise or honor someone or something
The teacher consistently exalted the achievements of her students.
Over the years, the community has exalted the volunteers for their selfless service.
Next week, the ceremony will exalt the outstanding achievements of local artists.
tôn vinh, nâng cao
fill with sublime emotion
nâng cao, đề bạt
raise in rank, character, or status
tôn vinh, nâng cao
to elevate or intensify the quality, value, or significance of something
The breathtaking sunset served to exalt the beauty of the landscape, casting vibrant hues across the sky.
The orchestra 's performance was designed to exalt the emotional impact of the music, leaving the audience deeply moved.
The use of premium ingredients in the recipe served to exalt the flavors and make the dish truly exceptional.

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