Tìm kiếm
bản nháp, viết
writing a first version to be filled out and polished later
vẽ kỹ thuật, lập bản vẽ
the craft of drawing blueprints
vẽ phác thảo, phác thảo
the creation of artistic pictures or diagrams
sạch, drafting
the technique of closely following another vehicle or cyclist in races to reduce wind resistance and conserve energy
What is "drafting"?
Drafting is a technique in racing where a cyclist or driver follows closely behind another to reduce air resistance and use less energy. The front racer blocks the wind, creating a smoother path for the one behind. This helps maintain speed with less effort and is commonly used in cycling, auto racing, and other high-speed sports. Racers often take turns leading to share the workload and maximize efficiency.
During the race, he excelled at drafting behind his teammates.
Drafting is a key strategy in conserving energy during long rides.
In the final stretch, she stopped drafting and made her move to the front.

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