Tìm kiếm
cờ đẩy, trò chơi croquet
a game that is played on grass and involves a series of hoops through which the players must roll wooden balls using hammer-like sticks called mallets
What is "croquet"?
Croquet is a lawn game that involves hitting balls through a series of hoops, known as wickets, using a wooden mallet. The game is usually played on grass, either individually or in teams, with the goal of completing the course by passing the ball through all the hoops in the correct order and hitting a final target, often a peg. Players take turns and may use their turn to knock opponents' balls away to gain an advantage. Croquet is a game of strategy and precision, often enjoyed in gardens or parks as a relaxing outdoor activity.
The family set up a croquet course in the backyard for a fun afternoon activity.
During the picnic, they decided to organize a friendly croquet tournament.
She enjoys playing croquet with her friends on sunny weekends.
to croquet
chơi croquet, chơi môn croquet
play a game in which players hit a wooden ball through a series of hoops
đánh bóng đi, đánh đuổi bóng
drive away by hitting with one's ball