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ngũ cốc ngô, bánh ngô ăn sáng
a breakfast cereal made with roasted flakes of maize flour that is usually eaten with milk and sugar
What are "cornflakes"?
Cornflakes are a popular breakfast cereal made from toasted corn kernels that have been flattened and processed into thin flakes. They were first created in the late 19th century by Dr. John Harvey Kellogg as a nutritious and easily digestible breakfast option. Cornflakes are typically consumed with milk and often served with fruit or sweeteners such as sugar or honey. They are known for their crunchy texture and mild, slightly sweet flavor.
He remembers childhood memories of enjoying a bowl of cornflakes while watching cartoons on Saturday mornings.
She loves the sound of the cornflakes' crackle as she pours them into her bowl, signaling the start of a new day.