Tìm kiếm
thuốc chữa bách bệnh
something that is believed to cure any disease or illness
panacea, nữ thần chữa bệnh
(Greek mythology) the goddess of healing; daughter of Aesculapius and sister of Hygeia
phương thuốc万能
a comprehensive solution that is believed to tackle every issue
Ví dụ
The politician's promise of a panacea for economic issues was met with skepticism.
Scientists are searching for a panacea that could eliminate all forms of cancer.
The herbal remedy was touted as a panacea, but its effectiveness was still unproven.
The idea of a single panacea for every ailment is appealing but unrealistic in modern medicine.
Many people hoped that the new drug would be a panacea for all their health problems.
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