Tìm kiếm
No ball
bóng không hợp lệ, bóng phạm quy
an illegal delivery bowled by a bowler, resulting in a penalty against the bowling team
What is a "no ball"?
A no ball in cricket occurs when the bowler delivers the ball in an illegal manner, which is not allowed by the rules. There are various reasons for a delivery to be called a no ball, such as the bowler overstepping the crease, delivering the ball above the batter's waist height, or bowling with an illegal action. When a no ball is bowled, the batter cannot be out from that delivery, and the batting team is awarded one extra run. The bowler is also usually given a warning, and a no ball can lead to further consequences if repeated.
The bowler 's delivery was too high, and the umpire signaled a no ball immediately.
The bowler 's foot crossed the line, resulting in a no ball being called by the umpire.
The team conceded an extra run due to repeated no balls during the over.