Tìm kiếm
nổi loạn, bất tuân
displaying or inciting a refusal to obey authority or command
The captain faced mutinous crew members who were tired of the long voyage without proper rations.
The shouts and chants of the mutinous group grew louder as they neared the headquarters.
nổi loạn, phản quân
any of several small greyish New World mice inhabiting e.g. grain fields
nổi loạn, kháng chiến
having a disposition to rebel or resist authority
The mutinous mood of the students grew with every restrictive rule imposed by the administration.
Her mutinous glare suggested she was ready to defy her manager 's decisions.
Ví dụ
The captain faced mutinous crew members who were tired of the long voyage without proper rations.
The shouts and chants of the mutinous group grew louder as they neared the headquarters.