تلاش کریں
فرض, ذمہ داری
an obligatory task that must be done as one's job
It is her duty to ensure the safety of all the employees.
He fulfilled his duty by completing the assigned project on time.
They discussed the duties of each team member during the meeting.
فرائض, ذمہ داری
the feeling that makes people do what society expects of them
The sense of duty drove him to volunteer at the shelter.
Her strong sense of duty prevented her from taking shortcuts at work.
Out of a sense of duty, he took care of his ailing neighbor.
محصول, ٹیکس
a government-imposed tax on imported or exported goods
The duty on electronics has increased, making imports more expensive.
They paid a high duty on the luxury car they brought into the country.
Exporters are required to pay duty on all goods shipped overseas.

قریبی الفاظ