تلاش کریں
to supplement
اضافہ کرنا, بہتری کے لئے شامل کرنا
to improve something by adding something to it
Transitive: to supplement sth
She supplements her diet with vitamins for better health.
The company is currently supplementing its workforce with temporary employees.
He supplemented his income by taking on a part-time job.
مکمل, مکمل اضافی چیز
an additional element that boosts the effectiveness or functionality of something
The athlete took a vitamin supplement to improve his overall health and performance.
The new software update acted as a supplement, adding useful features to the existing program.
Her diet included a calcium supplement to strengthen her bones.
اضافی مقدار, ضمنی چیز
a quantity added (e.g. to make up for a deficiency)
ضمیمہ, الحاقی حصہ
a separate section, usually in the form of a colored magazine, sold with a newspaper
What is a "supplement"?
A supplement is an additional section or booklet that is included with a newspaper, magazine, or other publication, often focusing on a specific topic, event, or product. Supplements can cover various subjects, such as lifestyle, travel, health, or entertainment, and are usually included in the publication to offer extra value or provide more detailed information to the readers. These sections are often printed separately and may be distributed alongside the main publication or available as part of a special edition.
The Sunday edition of the newspaper includes a lifestyle supplement featuring articles on fashion, food, and travel.
The financial supplement provides readers with expert analysis, market trends, and investment tips.
Many newspapers offer a weekly arts and culture supplement showcasing reviews of books, movies, and theater performances.
word family

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