تلاش کریں
What is "rib"?
The rib refers to a part of the body that forms part of the bony framework of the chest, known as the ribcage or thoracic cage. Humans have 12 pairs of ribs that attach to the spine at the back and curve around to the front, connecting to the sternum (breastbone) or other ribs via cartilage. Ribs provide protection to vital organs within the chest cavity, such as the heart and lungs. They also play a role in facilitating breathing by expanding and contracting with the movement of the diaphragm. Additionally, ribs contribute to the overall stability of the torso and serve as attachment points for various muscles involved in breathing and posture.
What is "rib"?
Rib meat, found in various animals including beef, pork, and lamb, is prized for its tenderness and rich flavor. Taken from the rib section of the animal, it is often well-marbled with fat, contributing to its juiciness and succulence when cooked. This cut is often favored for grilling, pan-searing, or broiling, as the high heat helps to render the fat and develop a caramelized crust on the exterior while keeping the interior juicy and tender.
پسلی, تکیہ
خلیہ, رِب
پسلی, رِب
چوٹ, تضحیک
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