хлів, сарай
a small house that is in an extremely poor condition
What is a "hovel"?
A hovel is a small, simple, and often run-down building or shelter, typically in poor condition. It is usually uncomfortable, lacking proper facilities, and may be in need of repairs. The term is often used to describe a place where people live in difficult or unhealthy conditions, such as a cramped or damaged home. A hovel is usually seen as an undesirable place to live, offering minimal protection or comfort.
The old man lived in a dilapidated hovel at the edge of the village, barely protected from the elements.
Despite its appearance, the small hovel was filled with warmth and laughter from the family that called it home.
As the storm raged outside, the hovel provided scant shelter for the weary traveler who had taken refuge within its walls.

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