to exasperate
виводити з себе, дратувати
to deeply irritate someone, especially when they can do nothing about it or solve the problem
Transitive: to exasperate sb
His repeated failure to follow instructions correctly exasperated his boss, who had to continually correct his mistakes.
In the peaceful neighborhood, the persistent noise from the neighboring construction site is exasperating residents, who are finding it difficult to get proper rest and relaxation.
The never-ending traffic congestion in the city exasperates commuters, leading to increased stress and frustration.
погіршувати, загострювати
to make a problem, condition, or difficult situation significantly worse
Transitive: to exasperate a problem or condition
Delivery delays exasperated the supply chain issues.
Infrastructure issues are exasperating multiple challenges facing the town.
Regulatory gaps have exasperated pollution problems that have plagued the region for years.
вивести з себе, розчарувати
to make someone extremely angry or furious
Transitive: to exasperate sb
His rude comments exasperated everyone at the meeting.
The unfair treatment from the manager exasperated the entire team.
The repeated mistakes on the project exasperated the supervisor.

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