be a man
будь чоловіком, действуй как мужчина
said to man as a way of asking them to behave less emotional, more though, or more responsible in face of difficulties
What is the origin of the idiom "be a man" and when to use it?
The idiom "be a man" has a long history and is rooted in traditional gender roles and expectations, where certain characteristics and behaviors were associated with masculinity. The origin of this expression is not attributed to a specific documented source but rather reflects historical cultural norms. It has been used for centuries to encourage individuals, particularly men, to exhibit qualities like courage, strength, and decisiveness when facing challenges or difficult situations.
Stop crying over losing your cat and be a man already!
You need to be a man and accept the punishment coming to you.
When he hesitated to confront the issue, his friends told him to be a man and address the problem.

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