something that poses a risk or danger
Poor lighting in the parking lot created a hazard for pedestrians at night.
The slippery floor was a major hazard in the workplace, leading to several accidents.
Construction sites often have signs to warn of potential hazards like falling debris.
tehlike, riski
an unknown and unpredictable phenomenon that causes an event to result one way rather than another
engel, tehlike
an obstacle on a golf course
to hazard
tahminde bulunmak
to state an opinion, guess, suggestion, etc. even though there are chances of one being wrong
Transitive: to hazard an opinion or guess
He cautiously hazarded a suggestion for the new marketing campaign.
The scientist decided to hazard a theory on the cause of the anomaly.
He hesitated to hazard a guess about the project 's success.
riske girmek
to take a chance or risk, hoping for a positive result or outcome
Transitive: to hazard an action
They hazarded a trip across the mountains, hoping the weather would hold.
He hazarded a large investment, expecting it to pay off in the long term.
He hazarded challenging the status quo, believing it could lead to innovation.
tehlikeye atmak
to put someone or something at danger or risk
Transitive: to hazard sth
Improper handling of chemicals may hazard environmental contamination.
The company 's negligence hazarded the lives of its workers.
The ongoing dispute is hazarding diplomatic relations.
Poor lighting in the parking lot created a hazard for pedestrians at night.
The slippery floor was a major hazard in the workplace, leading to several accidents.
Construction sites often have signs to warn of potential hazards like falling debris.
The chemical spill posed an environmental hazard to the surrounding area.
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