Back-rank mate
arka sıra matı
a checkmate pattern where the opponent's king is trapped on the back rank of the board and is mated by a rook or queen that delivers the checkmate along the same rank
What is a "back-rank mate"?
A back-rank mate is a checkmate that occurs when an opponent’s king is trapped on the back rank, usually by its own pawns. This happens when the pawns block the king’s escape, and an attacking piece, like a queen or rook, delivers a check. The king cannot move to any other square because it is surrounded by its own pieces, and there are no pieces left to block or capture the attacking piece. A back-rank mate often arises when the opponent has neglected to create space for their king to escape on the back rank.
The game ended quickly with a back-rank mate, leaving my opponent with no way to escape.
I thought I had the upper hand until my opponent set up a back-rank mate.
A back-rank mate is a great way to win if you can trap the king with its own pawns.

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