inert, inactiv
not moving or active
The inert body of the bear lay motionless in its den during hibernation.
The inert rock lay undisturbed at the bottom of the river.
The inert state of the volcano led scientists to believe it was dormant and unlikely to erupt.
inert, neactiv
having only a limited ability to react chemically; chemically inactive
inert, inactiv
lacking power or enthusiasm, resulting in slow movement or response
The office atmosphere turned inert as the afternoon dragged on, making productivity plummet.
The lazy afternoon made the town feel inert, as if time itself had slowed down.
The sleepy cat lay inert on the windowsill, uninterested in the bustling street below.
The inert body of the bear lay motionless in its den during hibernation.
The inert rock lay undisturbed at the bottom of the river.
The inert state of the volcano led scientists to believe it was dormant and unlikely to erupt.
Cuvinte Apropiate