British pronunciation/hɪpnˈə‍ʊsɪs/
American pronunciation/hɪpˈnoʊsəs/

Definiția și Sensul lui "hypnosis"


hipnoză, hipnotism

a state of heightened focus and concentration in which a person becomes more responsive to suggestions

What is "hypnosis"?

Hypnosis is a state of deep relaxation and increased focus caused by a trained professional, often called a hypnotist or hypnotherapist. In this state, individuals become more willing to accept suggestions aimed at addressing various issues such as stress, anxiety, pain management, and behavior changes. Hypnosis is used as a mental health treatment technique to promote relaxation, improve concentration, and help in personal development. It is safe and effective treatment option when practiced by qualified practitioners.

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During hypnosis, the therapist suggested the patient would no longer experience pain in their injured knee.
În timpul hipnozei, terapeutul a sugerat pacientului că nu va mai simți durere în genunchiul rănit.
Hypnosis has been used to help smokers quit by guiding them through visualized exercises to weaken their nicotine cravings.
Hipnoza a fost folosită pentru a ajuta fumătorii să renunțe, guidându-i prin exerciții vizualizate pentru a slăbi poftele lor pentru nicotină.
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