Love is often described as an eternal bond that transcends time and space.
The beauty of nature 's landscapes seems eternal, untouched by the passage of years.
Some believe in the eternal soul, a spiritual essence that outlasts the physical body.
etern, fără sfârșit
feeling excessively long or appearing to have no end in sight
The lecture felt eternal, stretching on for hours with no sign of conclusion.
Her eternal boredom during the rainy afternoon prompted her to pick up a new hobby.
The movie, despite its beautiful visuals, dragged on with an eternal pace that tested the audience's patience.
etern, perpetuu
(of principles, truths, etc.) enduringly significant and fundamentally unchanged despite the passage of time
The philosopher pondered the eternal questions of existence, seeking answers that transcended time and culture.
Many consider love and compassion to be eternal values that should guide human behavior across generations.
The artist captured the eternal truths of human emotion, resonating with viewers regardless of the era.
etern, durabil
(of expressions) having an impact that lasts a long time
To her eternal credit, she remained calm and composed even during the most challenging moments of the project.
His eternal kindness towards strangers left a lasting impact on everyone who crossed his path.
To their eternal shame, the team acknowledged their mistakes and worked diligently to make amends.
The Eternal
The faithful gathered in prayer, seeking guidance from the Eternal.
In many religious texts, the Eternal is depicted as the creator and sustainer of the universe.
Philosophers have long debated the nature of the Eternal and its relationship with time.