to pick at
[phrase form: pick]
a face observații la adresa cuiva, a critica în mod constant pe cineva
to frequently criticize someone about small issues
Critics always seem to pick at her performances no matter how well she does.
He has a tendency to pick at small mistakes in other people's work.
Instead of appreciating her efforts, he constantly picked at the details.
a ciupi, a zgândări
to touch or tug on something repeatedly
It 's not good to pick at scabs; it might lead to scars.
Children often pick at stickers until they peel them off entirely.
She nervously picked at the loose thread on her shirt during the interview.
a ciuguli, a mânca în dodii
to eat only a small amount of food
She just picked at her food during dinner, claiming she was n't hungry.
If you keep picking at your meals, you wo n't get enough nutrients.
Despite ordering a large plate, he only picked at it and barely ate anything.

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