desordem, caos
a state of confusion and lack of order and organization
If the manager does n’t step in soon, the department will fall into disarray, making it impossible to meet deadlines.
The new policy introduced by the government threw the entire healthcare system into disarray.
The sudden change in plans left the entire team in disarray, unsure of how to proceed.
desordem, bagunça
a lack of tidiness in appearance
The room was in disarray, with clothes strewn across the bed and books scattered on the floor.
The wedding dress was in slight disarray after being hurriedly taken off, but it was still beautiful.
The disarray of his appearance made it clear that he had just woken up and was n’t ready for the meeting.
to disarray
desorganizar, desordenar
to bring disorder or confusion to something, disrupting its normal arrangement or functioning
The sudden storm disarrayed the neatly arranged garden, scattering leaves and branches everywhere.
The protest disarrayed the city streets, causing chaos and confusion.
The unexpected resignation of the CEO disarrayed the company ’s plans for expansion.

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