to run by
[phrase form: run]
consultar, apresentar
to tell someone about an idea, especially to know their opinion about it
He ran the new business strategy by his mentor for guidance.
Before implementing the project, he ran the proposal by his team for their thoughts.
She decided to run the marketing campaign idea by her supervisor to ensure it was feasible.
passar pelo, dar uma passada em
to pass by a location or person during a walk or run
I decided to run by the park on my way home from work.
She always runs by our house during her morning jog.
As I ran by, I waved to my neighbor.
dar uma passada no, passar pelo
to make a quick stop by a place
I need to run by the grocery store for some milk on my way home.
She decided to run by the office to pick up her laptop before the weekend.
I 'll run by the post office after work to mail those packages.

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