to concede
przyznać się, ustąpić
to reluctantly admit that something is true after denying it first
Transitive: to concede that | to concede sth
After a heated debate, he finally conceded that he might have been wrong.
She had to concede that her opponent presented a compelling argument.
ustąpić, przyznać
to give in or agree to a request
Intransitive: to concede to a request
After much discussion, she conceded to their request for more time.
The company conceded to the workers' demands for better wages.
ustąpić, przyznać
to grant something such as control, a privilege, or right, often reluctantly
Transitive: to concede control or a privilege
After a long negotiation, the company finally conceded control of the project to the new partner.
The politician had to concede some of his demands to reach a compromise with the opposition.
przyznać się do porażki, ustąpić
to admit defeat in a competition, election, etc.
Transitive: to concede a competition
After a tense debate, the candidate finally conceded defeat.
The team conceded the match after their opponents scored the final goal.

Bliskie Słowa