to concede
स्वीकार करना, मान लेना
to reluctantly admit that something is true after denying it first
Transitive: to concede that | to concede sth
After a heated debate, he finally conceded that he might have been wrong.
She had to concede that her opponent presented a compelling argument.
The company had to concede the flaws in their product after customer complaints.
स्वीकृत करना, मान लेना
to give in or agree to a request
Intransitive: to concede to a request
After much discussion, she conceded to their request for more time.
The company conceded to the workers' demands for better wages.
They conceded to the new rules, even though they did n’t agree with them.
स्वीकृत करना, समझौता करना
to grant something such as control, a privilege, or right, often reluctantly
Transitive: to concede control or a privilege
After a long negotiation, the company finally conceded control of the project to the new partner.
The politician had to concede some of his demands to reach a compromise with the opposition.
She reluctantly conceded that her opponent had a stronger argument on the issue.
स्वीकार करना, हार मान लेना
to admit defeat in a competition, election, etc.
Transitive: to concede a competition
After a tense debate, the candidate finally conceded defeat.
The team conceded the match after their opponents scored the final goal.
She conceded her position in the race when it was clear she could n't catch up.

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