Bascule bridge
most zwodzony, most bascule
a type of movable bridge that can be raised and lowered to allow for the passage of water traffic
What is a "bascule bridge"?
A bascule bridge is a type of movable bridge with a section that can be raised or lowered to allow boats and ships to pass underneath. It usually has a weight system that helps lift the movable part of the bridge when needed. When lowered, the bridge forms a solid connection for vehicles and pedestrians to cross. This type of bridge is often found in places with heavy boat traffic, such as near harbors or along rivers, where a fixed bridge would block navigation.
The bascule bridge lifted to let the large cargo ship pass through the river.
We had to wait for the bascule bridge to close before we could continue our drive.
The workers were busy inspecting the bascule bridge to make sure it was functioning properly.

Bliskie Słowa