Variety meat
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the internal organs of an animal such as the liver and kidneys, used as food
What is "variety meat"?
Variety meat, also known as offal or organ meats, refers to the internal organs and unconventional cuts of an animal that are consumed as food. This category includes parts such as liver, kidneys, heart, tongue, tripe, brains, sweetbreads, and cheeks, among others. While they may not be as commonly consumed in some Western cultures, variety meats are prized in many culinary traditions worldwide for their unique flavors, textures, and nutritional value. They are often used in traditional dishes, stews, soups, and sausages, and are celebrated for their richness and depth of flavor.
As you stepped into the bustling market, the aroma of sizzling variety meats filled the air.
He decided to try a traditional dish that featured a mix of variety meats, including liver, heart, and tripe.

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