Stock cube
kostka rosołowa, kostka bulionowa
a small cube made from dried vegetable or meat juices, used to flavor soups, etc.
What is a "stock cube"?
A stock cube is a concentrated flavoring ingredient used in cooking to enhance the taste of soups, stews, and sauces. It is made by compressing and dehydrating ingredients such as meat, vegetables, herbs, and spices into a small cube or powder form. When dissolved in water or added directly to dishes, the stock cube releases its flavors, creating a savory and aromatic base for various recipes. It is a convenient and time-saving option for adding depth and richness to dishes, especially when homemade stock is not available.
A chicken stock cube is a great secret ingredient to elevate the taste of your mashed potatoes.
Kostka rosołowa to świetny sekretny składnik, który podnosi smak Twojego puree ziemniaczanego.
I added a stock cube to the simmering pot of chicken soup for extra flavor.
Dodałem kostkę rosołową do gotującego się garnka z zupą drobiową dla dodatkowego smaku.

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