What is a "spotlight"?
A spotlight is a type of lighting fixture that focuses a narrow beam of light on a specific area or subject. It is designed to create intense, direct illumination with a well-defined beam, which helps highlight particular objects or performers. Spotlights are commonly used in theater, film, and photography to emphasize certain parts of a scene or to create dramatic effects. They can be adjusted to change the size and intensity of the light beam, allowing for precise control over how and where the light is applied.
reflektor, centrum uwagi
a focus of public attention
to spotlight
uwypuklić, wyeksponować
move into the foreground to make more visible or prominent
oświetlić, wyróżnić
illuminate with a spotlight, as in the theater
The actor stepped into the spotlight, his face illuminated by the warm glow of the stage spotlight.
The magician performed his tricks under the bright spotlight, captivating the audience with his sleight of hand.
The speaker stood confidently in the spotlight, delivering a powerful speech that resonated with the audience.
The dancer twirled and leaped across the stage, her movements accentuated by the dramatic spotlight.
The actor stepped into the spotlight, his face illuminated by the warm glow of the stage spotlight.