to rot
gnieść, rozkładać się
to become destroyed, often due to the action of bacteria or fungi over time
The damp wood is currently rotting in the neglected shed.
The fallen tree was rotting away, returning nutrients to the soil.
The neglected vegetables in the compost bin are currently rotting, turning into nutrient-rich soil.
gnić, rozkładać
to cause a particular thing to decay or decompose
Transitive: to rot sth
The lack of airflow in the storage room rotted the fabric of the old books.
The damp conditions in the basement rotted the wooden beams, causing structural damage to the house.
Inadequate drainage around the foundation can rot the building materials, leading to water damage and deterioration of the structure.
gnić, rozkładać się
to deteriorate and go to ruin due to neglect
Without proper care, the neglected garden rotted into a tangled mess of weeds and overgrown plants.
The abandoned factory rotted, its windows shattered and its machinery rusted.
The neglectful landlord allowed the once-grand mansion to rot, leaving it to decay and crumble into ruins.
gnicie, rozkład
the process of being destroyed via natural causes
Wet and humid conditions accelerated the rot of the wooden fence posts.
The abandoned house showed extensive rot in its timber frame due to neglect.
The fruit began to show signs of rot after sitting on the kitchen counter for too long.
gnicie, rozkład
a state of decay usually accompanied by an offensive odor
bzdura, głupota
unacceptable behavior (especially ludicrously false statements)
The damp wood is currently rotting in the neglected shed.
The fallen tree was rotting away, returning nutrients to the soil.
The neglected vegetables in the compost bin are currently rotting, turning into nutrient-rich soil.
If not refrigerated, food can quickly rot.
Bliskie Słowa