polizanie, język
What is "lap"?
The lap refers to the area formed by the upper thighs when a person is seated, typically supported by the knees or a surface. It is a comfortable and often used space where objects can be placed, or where a child or pet can rest. The lap provides a sense of warmth, security, and closeness, making it a common place for activities such as reading, holding a baby, or petting an animal. It serves as a personal and intimate space where connections can be fostered and cherished, representing a comforting and nurturing aspect of human interaction.
okół, runda
skutek, konsekwencja
klapa, zagięcie
uda, kolana
zakres, obszar
nakładać się, leżeć obok siebie
lizać, przejechać językiem po
myć, falować
lichać, polizać
gwizdać, syczeć