to accrue
opbouwen, verzamelen
to gather or receive something, like money or benefits, slowly over a period of time
Transitive: to accrue money or benefits
The company accrues profits from its investments.
He accrued many accolades during his long career.
The pension plan will accrue benefits over the next few years.
opbouwen, vermeerderen
(particularly related to money) to gradually increase in amount or number
The investment recently accrued significant dividends for the shareholders.
Benefits are currently accruing for employees who have been with the company for several years.
The rewards points are accruing on your credit card with every purchase you make.
The company accrues profits from its investments.
He accrued many accolades during his long career.
The pension plan will accrue benefits over the next few years.
They accrued rewards points with each purchase they made.
Over the years, he accrued a lot of vacation days at work.

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