to commute
to regularly travel to one's place of work and home by different means
The introduction of a company shuttle has made it easier for employees to commute.
The office is conveniently located near a subway station, allowing employees to commute efficiently.
Living in the suburbs, they have to commute by car.
교환하다, 바꾸다
to exchange or give something in return for another
Transitive: to commute sth for sth
The athlete chose to commute their usual workout routine for a specialized training program.
They decided to commute their regular playlist for a selection of experimental compositions.
The organization encouraged employees to commute unused vacation days for opportunities to attend workshops.
형량을 경감하다, 형을 감형하다
to replace or exchange a penalty or punishment with a less severe one
Transitive: to commute a judicial sentence
The governor decided to commute the death sentence to life imprisonment.
After years of good behavior, the prisoner 's sentence was commuted.
The president used his executive power to commute the sentences of nonviolent offenders.
교환하다, 전환하다
to exchange or alter one form of payment or obligation for another
Transitive: to commute a form of payment to another | to commute a form of payment into another
The debtor negotiated with the creditor to commute the interest payments into a more manageable lump sum.
The homeowner sought to commute the adjustable-rate mortgage to a fixed-rate mortgage.
The employee proposed to commute a portion of their salary into additional health benefits.
통근, 출퇴근
a regular journey of some distance to and from your place of work