방언, 사투리
What is "vernacular"?
Vernacular refers to the everyday language or dialect spoken by a specific group of people in a particular region or community, distinct from formal or literary language. It encompasses local expressions, vocabulary, and grammatical structures that are commonly used in casual conversation. For example, in the United States, the vernacular might include slang and idiomatic phrases specific to different regions, such as "y'all" in the South or "pop" in the Midwest to refer to soft drinks. Vernacular language reflects cultural identity and social dynamics, often capturing unique ways of thinking and communicating within a community.
은어, 사투리
전통 양식, 전통 건축
What is "vernacular"?
Vernacular refers to a style of building that is based on local needs, materials, and traditions rather than formal design principles. This type of architecture reflects the everyday life and culture of a community, using simple and practical designs suited to the environment. Vernacular buildings often feature easily accessible materials, such as wood, stone, or mud, and are designed to meet the specific needs of the inhabitants. This approach values functionality and local identity, resulting in structures that are comfortable and suited to their surroundings, rather than aiming for grand or impressive appearances.