Bicarbonate of soda

Bicarbonate of soda
중조, 베이킹 소다
a chemical compound used in cooking to help doughs and batters rise, as well as for cleaning and medicinal purposes
What is "bicarbonate of soda"?
Bicarbonate of soda, also known as baking soda, is a versatile white powder commonly used in cooking, cleaning, and personal care. In cooking, it acts as a leavening agent, causing baked goods to rise by producing carbon dioxide gas when mixed with acidic ingredients. This gas creates bubbles in the batter or dough, causing it to rise and become light and fluffy during baking. Its alkaline properties make it effective for removing odors and cleaning surfaces, from scrubbing pots and pans to freshening carpets. Additionally, bicarbonate of soda can be used as a gentle exfoliant in skincare routines, helping to remove dead skin cells and balance pH levels.
Bicarbonate of soda is commonly used in recipes for cakes and breads to help them rise during baking.
중조는 일반적으로 케이크와 빵의 레시피에서 사용되어 구울 때 부풀어 오르게 도와준다.
When combined with vinegar, bicarbonate of soda creates a chemical reaction that produces carbon dioxide gas, which is used to leaven pancakes and other baked goods.
식초와 결합하면, 중조, 베이킹 소다가 탄산가스를 생성하는 화학 반응을 일으키며, 이 탄산가스는 팬케이크와 기타 구운 식품을 부풀게 하는 데 사용됩니다.