to recount
묘사하다, 다시 이야기하다
to describe an event, experience, etc to someone in a detailed manner
Transitive: to recount an event or experience
The historian chose to recount the tale of the ancient civilization's rise and fall.
As part of the interview, the witness began to recount the events leading up to the incident.
The traveler eagerly started to recount the experiences and cultural insights gained during the journey.
다시 세다, 재계산하다
to count or enumerate once more
Transitive: to recount items in a set
Please recount the items in the inventory to ensure accuracy.
Can you recount the number of chairs in the room?
We need to recount the supplies to make sure we have enough for the event.
재검표, 투표 재검표
an additional (usually a second) count; especially of the votes in a close election