He felt lonesome after moving to a new city where he did n’t know anyone.
Despite being surrounded by people, she could n’t shake her lonesome feelings.
She became lonesome after her friends left for college, leaving her behind.
외로운, 고립된
being the only one; single and isolated from others
외로운, 외딴
(of a place) isolated, remote, and rarely visited by people
The lonesome cabin sat deep in the woods, far from any nearby towns or roads.
The hiker found himself in a lonesome valley, surrounded only by the sounds of nature.
He wandered down a lonesome dirt path that had n’t seen footsteps in years.
He felt lonesome after moving to a new city where he didn’t know anyone.
Despite being surrounded by people, she couldn’t shake her lonesome feelings.
She became lonesome after her friends left for college, leaving her behind.
가까운 단어