to effuse
流出する, 溢れ出る
to release freely, often in a natural or uncontrolled manner
Transitive: to effuse sth
When she spoke about her passion for art, she effused an enthusiasm that was infectious.
After the news of his promotion, he could n't help but effuse his joy and excitement to everyone he met.
The flowers effused a delightful fragrance, filling the room with a sweet scent.
広がる (Hirogaru), 放散する (Housan suru)
to spread outwards
Intransitive: to effuse from a source
Warmth effused from the fireplace, creating a cozy atmosphere in the living room.
Light effused from the lanterns, illuminating the path through the dark forest.
The aroma of freshly baked bread effused from the bakery.
噴出する (ふんしゅつする), 流出する (りゅうしゅつする)
to pour out a liquid in a steady flow or stream
Transitive: to effuse a liquid
The waterfall effused crystal-clear water into the pool below.
The bartender effused the beer from the tap into the waiting glass, ensuring a perfect pour.
With a gentle tilt, she effused the fragrant oil from the bottle onto her skin, enjoying its soothing scent.