コンソナンス, 合意
子音の響き, 協和音
What is "consonance"?
Consonance is the repetition of consonant sounds within closely positioned words in a sentence or phrase, often at the end or middle of words, creating a pleasing effect. It is used to add rhythm, emphasis, or musicality to writing. For example, in the phrase "The dusk is thick with secrets", the repetition of the "k" sound demonstrates consonance. This technique enhances the texture and mood of the text, drawing attention to particular phrases or contributing to the overall aesthetic of the writing.
What is "consonance"?
Consonance in music refers to a combination of notes that sounds harmonious and pleasing together. These notes blend well and create a sense of stability and rest. Consonance contrasts with dissonance, which creates tension and a feeling of instability. Consonant intervals and chords are often used to provide resolution and a sense of calm in music, helping to create a balanced and satisfying sound.