The aged gentleman shared stories of his youth with the neighborhood children.
The aged couple celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary with a grand party.
The aged professor 's lectures are filled with wisdom and insight gained from years of experience.
古い, 老朽
having existed for a long time
The museum displayed aged pottery from ancient civilizations.
The building 's aged architecture revealed its historical significance.
The library housed many aged books, treasured for their historical value.
熟成された, aged
having reached the desired or final condition in the process of maturing, particularly for wines, fruits, and cheeses
The aged balsamic vinegar added a depth of flavor to the salad.
The aged fruit is perfect for making flavorful preserves.
She opened a bottle of aged wine for the special occasion.
古びた, 風化した
significantly worn down or weathered by natural elements
The aged cliffs are a testament to millions of years of erosion.
The aged rocks along the shoreline have been shaped by centuries of waves.
The scientist studied the aged soil layers to understand the area 's geological history.
熟成した, 年数を経た
processed for a period to enhance preservation and flavor, particularly referring to tobacco
Cigar enthusiasts often prefer aged tobacco for its refined taste.
The aged tobacco is stored in temperature-controlled rooms to maintain its quality.
The factory specializes in producing aged tobacco for premium cigars.
The aged gentleman shared stories of his youth with the neighborhood children.
The aged couple celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary with a grand party.
The aged professor's lectures are filled with wisdom and insight gained from years of experience.
The aged artist continues to create beautiful paintings, showcasing his talent and skill.
Despite her aged appearance, she remains active and independent in her daily life.