請求書, 明細書
紙幣, 札
くちばし, 請求書
What is a "bill"?
A bill is a prominent feature found in many bird species, serving as their primary tool for feeding and manipulation. It is a specialized structure composed of a hard, keratinous covering that forms the upper and lower parts of the beak. The bill varies in shape and size across different bird species, with adaptations that reflect their specific feeding habits. It may be slender, pointed for probing into flowers or crevices, or stout and hooked for tearing prey apart. The bill plays a crucial role in capturing, manipulating, and consuming food, as well as in other important functions such as preening feathers, building nests, and communicating through vocalizations.
ポスター, 広告
ビラ, チラシ
法案, 提案された法律
プログラム, チラシ
What is a "bill"?
A bill is a list of entertainment programs or performers scheduled to appear at a concert, theater, or other event. It outlines the lineup of acts, including details such as the names of performers, the order of their appearances, and the types of performances they will present. The bill serves as a guide for attendees, helping them know what to expect and when, and it often includes headliners and supporting acts to give a complete picture of the event's offerings.
ビル, 切削工具
リスト, 請求書
請求する, ビルを発行する
掲示する, 広告する
掲示する, 発表する