leave sb in the lurch
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British pronunciation/lˈiːv ˌɛsbˈiː ɪnðə lˈɜːtʃ/
American pronunciation/lˈiːv ˌɛsbˈiː ɪnðə lˈɜːtʃ/

lasciare giù

to refuse to help someone when they need it the most
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to [leave] {sb} in the lurch definition and meaning

What is the origin of the idiom "leave someone in the lurch" and when to use it?

The idiom "leave someone in the lurch" is believed to have its origins in the world of sports, particularly in games involving teams or pairs where coordination and teamwork are crucial. In lurch games, players need to work together effectively to achieve a common goal. When one player or team member suddenly abandons their position or fails to fulfill their role, it can leave their fellow players at a disadvantage, making success more challenging or even impossible. It is used in various contexts and occasions to describe situations where individuals are abandoned or betrayed, typically when they were depending on someone for support, assistance, or reliability.

After relying on his coworker to cover for him during his vacation, he felt betrayed when she called in sick, leaving him in the lurch at work.
She promised to help with the event, but she canceled at the last minute, leaving us in the lurch and scrambling to find a replacement.
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Meaning of "To [leave] {sb} in the lurch" in Italian
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