supremo, eccellente
showing unmatched excellence and the highest level of quality or greatness
The artist 's latest masterpiece was hailed as a supreme achievement in the world of contemporary art.
L'ultima opera maestra dell'artista è stata acclamata come un supremo, eccellente traguardo nel mondo dell'arte contemporanea.
The team 's victory in the championship game was a testament to their supreme talent and dedication.
La vittoria della squadra nella partita di campionato è stata una testimonianza del loro supremo talento e dedizione.
As the supreme leader of the nation, he made all major decisions affecting the country's future.
She held the supreme authority over the organization, making her word final on all matters.
supremo, massimo
the highest in rank, degree, or authority
The athlete ’s performance was considered supreme, setting a new world record.
La prestazione dell'atleta è stata considerata suprema, stabilendo un nuovo record mondiale.
The chef ’s dish was praised as the supreme example of gourmet cuisine.
Il piatto dello chef è stato lodato come il massimo esempio di cucina gourmet.
supremo, eccellente
most widely distributed kangaroo rat: plains and mountain areas of central and western United States
supremo, finale
final or last in your life or progress
suprema, filetto
a deboned and skinless cut of meat or poultry, often used to describe a skillfully prepared or elegant dish
At the family gathering, everyone enjoyed the supreme roasted duck.
Durante il ritrovo familiare, tutti hanno apprezzato l'anatra arrosto suprema.
The steakhouse served a supreme rib-eye steak, aged to perfection and grilled to satisfy the cravings of meat enthusiasts.
La steakhouse ha servito un filetto di rib-eye suprema, invecchiato alla perfezione e grigliato per soddisfare le voglie degli appassionati di carne.