uomo forte, dittatore
a powerful political figure who rules by the exercise of force or violence
uomo forzuto, forzato
a performer who displays feats of strength, such as lifting heavy objects, bending metal bars, or tearing phone books
Who is a "strongman"?
A strongman is a performer who showcases extraordinary physical strength by performing tasks like lifting heavy weights, bending metal bars, or pulling large vehicles. These acts are designed to impress and entertain audiences by demonstrating the strongman's power and endurance. Strongmen often appear in circuses, fairs, or strength competitions, where they perform a variety of challenges that highlight their muscular strength and control. The strongman’s role is to amaze the audience with their ability to perform seemingly impossible tasks, relying on years of training and physical conditioning.
Strongmen often undergo rigorous training and conditioning to achieve their impressive feats.
The strongman's performances left spectators in awe of his incredible physical prowess.
The strongman amazed the audience with his ability to lift massive weights above his head.
The circus featured a formidable strongman who performed jaw-dropping feats of power.
As a strongman, he demonstrated his immense strength by bending steel bars with his bare hands.