What is a "shag"?
A shag is a medium-sized coastal bird with a slender, dark body and long, thin neck. They have glossy black feathers, with a distinctive green iridescence on their head and neck during the breeding season. Shags are excellent divers and swimmers, using their wings to propel themselves underwater to catch fish and other prey. They can often be found perched on rocks or cliff ledges near the water's edge, preening their feathers. Shags are also known for their raucous calls, which can be heard from a distance. They are found in coastal areas throughout much of the world, and are an important part of many marine ecosystems.
shag, passo di danza shag
sesso, copula
frange elastiche, inserimenti elastici
tessuto shag, tappeto shag
ciuffo, nodo
tabacco trinciato, tabacco sfibrato
ballare lo shag, fare shag