Bad guy
cattivo, malvagio
any person who is not on your side
cattivo, antagonista
a character in a story or film who is portrayed as an antagonist or villain
Who is a "bad guy"?
A bad guy is a character in a story, movie, or television show who acts as the antagonist or villain. This character typically opposes the protagonist and engages in harmful or malevolent actions, creating conflict and tension within the narrative. The bad guy is often responsible for creating obstacles or problems that the hero or main character must overcome.
bad guy
The mentor played the bad guy by providing constructive criticism and pushing their mentee outside of their comfort zone to foster professional growth.
The tough professor played the bad guy by giving strict assignments and holding high expectations to push the students towards academic excellence.
My older brother played the bad guy by challenging me to take on more responsibilities and not letting me settle for mediocrity.
As a coach, I had to play the bad guy and push my team during training to ensure they reached their full potential on the field.
The manager played the bad guy by refusing to accept subpar performance and consistently pushing their employees to deliver their best work.