mielografia, mielogramma
a diagnostic imaging method using contrast dye to visualize spinal cord abnormalities
What is "myelography"?
Myelography is a medical imaging procedure that uses a special dye and X-rays to look at the spinal cord and the surrounding structures. During this test, a contrast dye is injected into the space around the spinal cord, often through a needle inserted into the lower back. This dye makes the spinal cord and nerves show up clearly on X-ray images. The contrast dye used in myelography is generally safe, though it may cause some temporary discomfort or mild reactions in a small number of people. Myelography helps doctors diagnose problems such as herniated discs, spinal tumors, or narrowing of the spinal canal by providing detailed pictures of the spine.
Healthcare professionals use myelography to visualize structures around the spine.
I professionisti sanitari utilizzano la mielografia per visualizzare le strutture intorno alla colonna vertebrale.
Contrast dye injection during myelography enhances the clarity of spinal images.
L'iniezione di contrasto durante la mielografia migliora la chiarezza delle immagini spinali.

Parole Vicine