What is "bricolage"?
Bricolage is a creative technique where different materials and objects are used together to make something new. It involves using whatever items are available, often repurposing or combining them in unexpected ways. This approach can lead to unique and original creations, such as artwork, sculptures, or practical items, by making the most of diverse materials that might not have been intended for that purpose.
The artist 's sculptures were a testament to his talent for bricolage, as he seamlessly combined found objects like driftwood and metal scraps into stunning works of art.
She decorated her apartment using a bricolage of vintage furniture, thrift store finds, and handmade crafts, giving each room a unique and eclectic style.
The children delighted in the bricolage project, using cardboard, buttons, and fabric scraps to create imaginative collages and sculptures.
an artwork created by assembling a variety of everyday objects or materials, often in an unexpected or creative way
The artist 's bricolage included old tools, fabric, and broken pieces of furniture.
He created a bricolage using scraps of wood and metal to make a unique sculpture.
Her bricolage featured everyday items like buttons, wire, and plastic bottles.

Közeli Szavak