Shouting match
üvöltözés, hangos vita
a loud argument
What is the origin of the idiom "shouting match" and when to use it?
The idiom "shouting match" originated from the literal act of engaging in a heated argument or disagreement that involves loud and intense shouting between two or more individuals. Figuratively, this expression is used to convey the idea of a confrontational verbal confrontation where emotions run high and rational discourse is abandoned.
shouting match
The meeting descended into a shouting match as participants angrily debated the proposed changes to the project.
The siblings engaged in a shouting match over the division of household chores, with each insisting on their unfair share of the responsibilities.
The political debate turned into a shouting match between the candidates, with personal attacks and insults replacing substantive discussion.
The neighbors had a shouting match over a parking dispute, with both parties angrily asserting their rights and refusing to compromise.
The students got into a shouting match during a class discussion on a controversial topic, making it challenging for the teacher to restore order and facilitate productive dialogue.