partner, pár
the person that you are married to or having a romantic relationship with
Emily and her partner are planning a romantic getaway for their anniversary.
Emily és a párja romantikus hétvégét terveznek a házassági évfordulójukra.
Having open communication is essential in any relationship with a partner.
A nyílt kommunikáció elengedhetetlen bármilyen kapcsolatban a párunkkal.
partner, társpartner
a person we do a particular activity with, such as playing a game
Alex 's tennis partner is really skilled, and they make a great team.
Alex tenisz társpartner nagyon ügyes, és nagyszerű csapatot alkotnak.
In the cooking class, each student has a different partner every week.
A főzőtanfolyamon hetente más-más társpartnerrel dolgozik minden diák.
társ, partner
one of the owners of a business or company who shares the expenses, profits, and losses
The restaurant 's partners decided to expand the menu to attract more customers.
Az étterem társai úgy döntöttek, hogy bővítik az étlapot, hogy több vendéget vonzanak.
The real estate development project is a joint venture between two partners.
Az ingatlanfejlesztési projekt egy közös vállalkozás két társ között.
to partner
párosítani, társulni
to team up with someone in an activity, such as a dance or a game
Transitive: to partner sb
Sarah asked me to partner her in the dance competition.
Would you like to partner me for the next game of chess?
együttműködik, partnerkedik
to collaborate with others, often in business, to achieve common goals
Intransitive: to partner with sb/sth
Businesses often seek to partner with other companies to enhance their offerings.
Entrepreneurs may partner with investors to launch and grow their startups.

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