to create
बनाना, सृजन करना
to bring something into existence or make something happen
Transitive: to create sth
Many entrepreneurs aspire to create successful businesses.
She created a beautiful painting with vibrant colors.
अनुभव कराना, महसूस कराना
to make someone experience a particular emotion or have a specific feeling
Transitive: to create a feeling or attitude
She wants to create a positive first impression during her job interview.
The artist used bright colors to create a sense of joy.
रचना करना, निर्माण करना
(of an actor) to be the first person to bring a character to life as a part of a role
Transitive: to create a character
He took on the challenge of creating the role of Hamlet, delivering a powerful performance.
She made her mark in the theater world by creating the role of Blanche DuBois in " A Streetcar Named Desire. "
बनाना, निर्मित करना
to officially give or grant an honor or title to someone
Complex Transitive: to create sb a honorific title
He was created a Baron in honor of his philanthropic endeavors.
He was created a duke by royal proclamation.

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